Fuels for Harvest are Ready

Aug 28, 2024

Federated propane truck
As harvest nears, the two common questions arise from growers, according to Mark Grave, Federated’s director of energy: Is there adequate inventory? What’s the price?
Re: Propane
Federated’s  “propane supply team is ready for harvest,” said Grave. Here’s how:
  • Propane has been sourced from five different terminals, including Federated’s own rail unloading facility in Cambridge.
  • Additional October/November rail cars have been ordered from suppliers in North Dakota, “to avoid a looming strike in Canada,” Grave said.
  • Federated’s propane inventory is stored across the co-ops’ service area, north to south, which means more propane is already in Federated’s tanks, not sitting at a supply terminal.
    • Federated can store propane in its northern plants to supplement drying needs in its southern areas (crop drying is minimal up north).
    • Getting propane from one Federated plant to another is highly manageable in the rush of harvest, minimizing any hitches in the supply plan.
“We encourage you to fill your tanks now to move inventory … before the rush is on.”
Re: Diesel
The diesel supply team is also busy preparing for harvest. “Tanks are being filled and equipment is being readied to hit the ground running when the combines roll,” said Grave.
Federated carries premium Cenex® Fieldmaster® and Roadmaster® fuels for your equipment needs.
“Similar to propane, we want to fill tanks before harvest hits to move inventory into the field,” said Grave. Call in fill orders soon.
Re: Pricing, both current, long- and short-term
Grave compares pricing trends to the 100-meter dash at the Olympics. “We have propane and diesel runners at the starting line with today’s prices. The Russia/Ukraine war and Iran/Hamas/Israel war are holding the starter’s pistol. The propane and diesel runners are very comfortable and affordable at their current level … [however], if any of the warring factions fire the starters pistol, we are off to the races. Market factors change daily.”
An energy update is part of the information being shared at this week’s Discovery Plot Days. Additionally, propane corn drying contracts and diesel contracting options are available at each of the tours. Contact Federated with any questions.

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